Training Directions Network (TDN) interviews TRI Community Exchange on nonprofit Internet Communication Technologies (ICT) needs and strategies. What do you think? Comment on the TDN blog and let us know!
Click here to read interview.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) training & strategies needs of nonprofits
Posted by Voice for SONG 0 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
NFPs Should Not Be Business-Like: UK Expert - Pro Bono Australia Article
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Labels: news
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Bigger not always better in non-profit world - CSI
Peter Shergold, The Centre for Social Impact, 26 June 2010
There is no perfect size or ideal structure or single path to expansion. In many instances community-based issues may best be addressed by a small, local organisation: in other instances the need for a national approach may most effectively be served by a large, networked body. Only when organisational ambitions are out of line with resource capacity do problems become evident. Bigness sometimes represents power and influence. Small is sometimes beautiful. The challenge is to fit organisational structure to social purpose.
Click here to read full article.
Source: CSI
Posted by Voice for SONG 1 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Research to highlight the importance of process in small community organisations
- Have less than 15 FTE
- Have a ‘local’ focus or a ‘special interest’ focus
- Incorporate a ‘community management’ model
- Operate on a community development approach to service delivery?
If you are interested we would love to come and explain more about the project in person. Please ring Mary Waterford on 9687 5812 or email or Dr Mick Houlbrook, Social Justice Social Change Research Centre, University of Western Sydney Ph 9772 6818 to register your interest.
Source: WSCF
Posted by Voice for SONG 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sector Development Glossary - ACOSS
Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), March 2010
This document is a glossary of terms and their meanings that encompasses the breadth of sector development work currently underway in the Australian social service and community sector. The glossary is a resource for our sector, setting out some of the key issues that are the subject of sector development work internally or in the development of policy and advocacy objectives for reform. It is also an attempt to clarify some of the language and concepts that are widely used but have different meanings and implications depending on the size, location and activities of social service organisations.
Click here to download Sector Development Glossary.
Click here to go to ACOSS' website.
Source: ACOSS
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Labels: downloads
Monday, March 29, 2010
Locally-based community organisations & social inclusion: new report
University of Sydney, 26 March 2010
A new report produced by the University of Sydney, the University of Western Sydney and the Illawarra Forum proposes that the NSW Government's social inclusion objectives have missed the mark in achieving its goals.
The Federal Government recently launched a Social Inclusion Agenda to help reintegrate marginalised members of society by amending its policies and programs in the area of social inclusion.
In NSW, the State Government has been implementing its own initiatives as part of this nationwide drive for increased social inclusion among disadvantaged communities, and a recent State Plan has set out specific and measurable concrete targets to determine the success of these initiatives.
The report, to be launched on Friday 26 March, argues that the NSW Government is neglecting the important role that locally-based community organisations play in creating a sense of belonging and hope for those in need.
It questions the current results-based accountability (RBA) framework used by the NSW Government in measuring the success of its social inclusion initiatives, because the RBA method of measurement does not include speaking to people from disenfranchised communities about their personal experiences.
The report argues that if the Government was instead conducting this kind of quantitative, experience-based research in measuring the results of their Social Inclusion Agenda, they would discover that locally-based community organisations play a vital role in assisting people with struggles over hardship, humiliation, inequality, inclusion, representation and redistribution.
Currently, at a local and regional level there is a lack of attention given to collecting statistical data about the contribution of locally-based community organisations in social inclusion, and so the NSW Government is ignoring a vital component in actioning social inclusion practises.
As the NSW social inclusion practices are largely replicated at a Federal level, the report suggest that the NSW Government's social inclusion failings should act as a test-case for the Federal Government's own Social Inclusion Agenda, and that both the RBA framework of measurement and role of locally-based community organisations in facilitating social inclusion need to be reconsidered.
Click here to download report.
Sources: University of Sydney & Illawarra Forum
Posted by Voice for SONG 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
National Compact: working together - publication & website now available
The National Compact was signed today - publication available for download in the website which is now live -
ACOSS media release -
Compact Voice Australia: join in the Online Community for resources, discussion and ideas on the National Compact:
Posted by Voice for SONG 0 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
NGO Red Tape Reduction report - Department of Premier & Cabinet (DPC)
Ms Burney said that the recommendations contained in the NGO Red Tape Reduction report were developed by the Department of Premier and Cabinet in close consultation with NGOs, peak bodies and other government agencies.
“We are confident that the strategies contained in this report will make it easier for NGOs to focus on their core business – delivering services to people in need in the community,” she
Alison Peters, Director at the Council of Social Services NSW (NCOSS), welcomed the recommendations.
“NGOs constantly tell us about their concern with the level of bureaucracy, red tape and compliance requirements when working with government. Any attempt to bring about greater consistency in government processes and make funding and reporting easier will be a huge improvement,” she said.
The Government will move immediately to implement the following initiatives by mid-year:
- the introduction of e-tendering and word limits
- standardising insurance requirements
- the development and application of standard questions across agencies for tenders on
issues such as management and financial viability - the reduction of information required from NGOs in the tendering process where
information has already been collected by agencies.
- standardising and simplifying contracts
- establishing more pre-registration panels with automatic eligibility for providers with a consistent record of performance and reliability, and
- establishing a risk framework for NGO funding that would relate tendering and EOI processes to risk.
Sources: Community Services & ADHC
Posted by Voice for SONG 0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
'Managing for Recovery' survey report: are charities winning the battle for funds?
In response to the economic climate, 85 per cent of Australian third sector organisations are changing their focus from cost cutting to generating revenue growth over the next twelve months.
The second survey by the Centre for Social Impact (CSI), PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and the Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA), Managing for Recovery, reveals that in the face of the worldwide financial crisis, Australian charities generally expect a positive year ahead.
Fundraising Institute Australia CEO Chris McMillan said the survey clearly showed how swift action by the third sector in the first half of 2009 in putting sustainable business strategies in place ensured the sector successfully weathered the financial storm.
"It's imperative not-for-profits continue to have a clear financial plan and strategy over the next 12 months to ensure their sustainable future in a competitive market," Ms McMillan said.
Mr Millen said larger organisations have fared better than their smaller counterparts in the last 6 months, with two in five (39 per cent) of large respondents experiencing an increase in income compared to a quarter (25 per cent) of small organisations. This trend is expected to continue across all sources of funding.
"There are pluses and minuses to this as large not-for-profits are likely to obtain more government funding than small not-for-profits," Mr Millen said.
"On the other hand, larger organisations are more likely to have investments, and therefore suffered greater falls in investment income as a result of the downturn."
Click here to read full media release and to download survey report.
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Labels: news
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Contribution of the Not-for-Profit Sector - Productivity Commission research report
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Sunday, January 31, 2010
UK link: Alternative approaches to capacity building - emerging practices abroad
This study was undertaken to identify alternative approaches to third sector capacity building in countries outside of the UK. Principally desk-based, it draws on the insight and recommendations of the research team’s contacts which span Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, and the International Development context.
Posted by Voice for SONG 0 comments
Labels: downloads
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Two interesting articles
Click on a link below to view/download:
The Nonprofit Starvation Cycle - Stanford Social Innovation Review
"A vicious cycle is leaving nonprofi ts so hungry for decent infrastructure that they can barely function as organizations—let alone serve their benefi ciaries. The cycle starts with funders’ unrealistic expectations about how much running a nonprofi t costs, and results in nonprofi ts’ misrepresenting their costs while skimping on vital systems—acts that feed funders’ skewed beliefs. To break the nonprofit starvation cycle, funders must take the lead."
What should I know before joining the board? - BoardSource
Posted by Voice for SONG 0 comments
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About Us
Voice for SONG:
- promotes the recognition of the value, efficiencies and effectiveness of small community organisations (in a climate that values large organisations over small organisations across all sectors)
- actively promotes policies and strategies that support the sustainability and development of small community organisations
- encourages small community organisations to take leadership roles
- connects and develops cooperative and collaborative relationships between small community organisations, medium and large NGOs (non- Government organisations) peaks, government, business and the general community to progress issues for small community organisations.
- is a vehicle for information exchange, discussion, consultation about key policy, program and service delivery issues affecting small community human service organisations
- works with existing lobby groups such as NCOSS to ensure all levels of government are aware of key policy and sector development issues for small community organisations
While Voice for SONG acknowledges that NCOSS and other peaks have always and will continue to represent and advocate for their member organisations, including small community organisations, Voice for SONG aims to have a complementary and non-competitive role with NCOSS and other peaks. Voice for SONG will lobby NCOSS and other peaks to advocate for the benefit of small community organisations.
Voice for SONG is currently a NSW network with secretariat support provided by Western Sydney Community Forum (WSCF) and blog maintained by TRI Community Exchange Inc.