WSCF is involved with UWS in an exciting research project that may help small organisations develop critical planning around practice in the light of expectations about accountability. The project will focus on the importance of process in small community organisations.
If you feel you fit the bill we hope you will consider an expression of interest in the project.
Does your organisation:
- Have less than 15 FTE
- Have a ‘local’ focus or a ‘special interest’ focus
- Incorporate a ‘community management’ model
- Operate on a community development approach to service delivery?
If you are interested we would love to come and explain more about the project in person. Please ring Mary Waterford on 9687 5812 or email or Dr Mick Houlbrook, Social Justice Social Change Research Centre, University of Western Sydney Ph 9772 6818 to register your interest.
Source: WSCF